Speaker: Prof. Dr. Joerg Jaeckel (ITP, Heidelberg University)
Title of Talk: Oscillations in the Cosmos and in the Lab — From axion dark matter to things that are not even particles
Abstract: In this talk we start with the classical example of an oscillating cosmological field axion and axion-like particle dark matter. We will see that it is a suitable dark matter candidate, albeit one with interesting wave-like features that express themselves as coherent oscillations. We discuss existing and future probes of this type of dark matter. Following the theme of probing tiny oscillations we go beyond dark matter and even beyond particles and ask whether there could be a fundamental violation of Poincare invariance and study tests of this fundamental symmetry by looking for time-varying and oscillating effects.
Venue (HYBRID-EVENT): Goldene Box, Physikalisches Institut, INF 226, 69120 Heidelberg AND all talks will also be streamed via the permanent Zoom-link:
Meeting ID: 946 0240 1603
Passcode: 386993
13:00 – 13:45 talk
13:45-14:00 questions & discussion
14:00 pizza
The main idea of the CRC 1225 Lunch Seminars is to bring together all scientists involved in our collaboration on a regular basis to allow exchange and discussion even outside one’s own research topics. We therefore invite all PIs and working group members of the CRC 1225 ISOQUANT to participate in the Lunch Seminars and to use this opportunity for getting to know each other, fruitful discussions and valuable exchange.