Speaker: Prof. Dr. Selim Jochim (Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg)

Title of Talk: Emergence of collective behavior, atom by atom

Abstract: Many-body physics is usually considered from the so-called
thermodynamic limit, in which the contribution from individual
particles vanishes in the observable of interest. These are for
example pressure or temperature, or also viscosity — which vanishes
in the case of a superfluid.
With our experiments, we explore how such quantities emerge as a
discrete system is increased in size — atom by atom. We will
describe how a phase transition emerges, what is required for fluid
behavior, and we try to understand when a system turns superfluid.

Venue (HYBRID-EVENT): SR 3.403, Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, INF 227, 69120 Heidelberg

13:00 – 13:45    Talk
13:45 – 14:00    Questions & Discussion
14:00                 Pizza & Drinks


The main idea of the CRC 1225 Lunch Seminars is to bring together all scientists involved in our collaboration on a regular basis to allow exchange and discussion even outside one’s own research topics. We therefore invite all PIs and working group members of the CRC 1225 ISOQUANT to participate in the Lunch Seminars and to use this opportunity for getting to know each other, fruitful discussions and valuable exchange.