Increasing Impact – Communicating Science to Non-Expert Audiences

Invited Guest: Dr Tobias Maier (Nationales Institut für Wissenschaftskommunikation)
Online media offer unprecedented opportunities for scientists to actively participate in the public discourse about science. But why should scientists communicate anyway? What are the principles of good science communication? And how can you personally benefit from communicating science to audiences beyond your peers?

Date: Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Time: 11:00am-12:00am (45min talk + 15min questions & discussion)
Venue: Online via Zoom
Meeting-ID: 861 1183 1238

Dr Tobias Maier is a science communication professional with a PhD in biochemistry and a ten-year track record in academic research. He is the Deputy Director at NaWik. Tobias has extensive experience in giving workshops and seminars for scientists, both on site and online. For NaWik, he gives seminars on science communication, social media and scientific writing. Tobias Maier is also responsible for the development of the NaWik e-learning platform. He writes a popular science blog in German called WeiterGen.

We would like to invite all interested faculty members for this talk & discussion. No prior registration is needed (max. number of participants is 100 though).