Online-Seminar: Visualising science (two-day seminar, conducted online via Zoom)
Part I: April 13, 2021 (09:00 – 12:30 hrs)
Part II: April 14, 2021 (09:00 – 12:30 hrs)
max. number of participants: 12
Registration at
Deadline for registration: 31 March 2021
Science is often invisible: It remains hidden between book covers, in complicated technical terms or cryptic tables. In our seminar we want to change that and teach you how to visualize and animate your research. The aim is to learn how to prepare scientific results and abstract research topics for a non-specialist audience.
The two-day seminar with practical exercises covers basic design principles and methods and focuses on applying them on the clear and engaging visualization of data and scientific information. Specific visualization techniques and tools are practiced to visualize the participants’ own research projects. In particular, the following topics are covered:
- The nomenclature of styles for scientific figures
- Basic design principles for visualisations
- Paper, presentation, poster: Different aims and design language
- Defining the essential aspects: Finding your own core message
- Achieving more: Planning and designing infographics
The seminar will be conducted online via Zoom as a two-day seminar on April 13-14, 2021. On both seminar days the participants will have two 90-minute sessions with short breaks. The sessions are scheduled for 09:00 – 10:30 and 11:00 – 12:30.
At the end of the first seminar day all seminar participants will get exercises to be prepared for the second seminar day. Maximum number of participants is 12. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
Instructor I: Christoph Spatschek
Chris Spatschek is a communication designer and a science enthusiast. Already during his studies, Chris focused on the intersection of art, science and the public. He is the co-founder of the collective Science Vision and realized a number of projects for institutions, research groups and scientists. He joined NaWik in 2016 and is involved in the design aspects of all projects. Chris gives seminars and workshops on visual science communication.
Instructor II: Johanna Barnbeck (no English version available)
hat Kulturanalyse und künstlerische Forschung in Amsterdam studiert, am Rijksmuseum leitete sie ein künstlerisches Forschungsprojekt. Derzeit ist sie als selbständige Kreativberaterin für die Wissenschaft tätig. In dieser Rolle entwickelt sie Strategien und kreative Formate für Forschungsprojekte, Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen und unterstützt sie bei der Umsetzung der Konzepte. Frau Barnbeck ist in der Jury für den Fast Forward Science-Award und wurde 2018 für die Junge Akademie nominiert. Am NaWik gibt sie Visualisierungs- und Social-Media-Seminare.