
While quantum field theory is the framework to describe almost all phenomena in fundamental physics, its quantum information theoretic aspects remain poorly understood. It is conceivable that an improved understanding allows to formulate a much more detailed theory for quantum systems out-of-equilibrium than available to date. On the other side, quantum simulation experiments with ultracold atomic gases allow to emulate quantum field theories in synthetic quantum systems and may be used to investigate quantum information theoretic aspects.

The workshop on Entanglement in Quantum Fields (EQF2021), June 28-30, brings together experts on quantum information theoretic aspects of quantum fields with researchers on ultracold atomic quantum gases with the aim of

Keynote talks will provide an introduction and overview on the different aspects with the aim of providing a basis for initiating discussions between the different communities. Shorter invited talks are dedicated to recent progress on specific topics. Abundant discussion time is foreseen for the vital interactions between experimental and theoretical physicists working in the different areas.

This workshop will be held as a hybrid event with a limited number of participants being physically present at IWH and the possibility to join virtually via zoom. Speakers and participants may indicate their preference on in person or virtual attendance. As of now, all the participants who indicated that they would like to attend in person, can do so. Participants who would like to apply for financial support for travel expenses should contact Tina Kuka (t.kuka@thphys.uni-heidelberg.de) for more information.

Keynote Speakers
Marcus Huber (IQOQI Vienna)
Peter Zoller had to cancel due to illness and will be replaced by Christian Kokail and Andreas Elben (University of Innsbruck & IQOQI)
J. Ignacio Cirac (MPQ)
Otfried Gühne (Siegen University)
Johanna Erdmenger (Würzburg University)
Pasquale Calabrese (SISSA)

Stefan Floerchinger
Martin Gärttner
Helmut Strobel

Details on the program can be found here:

The zoom link for joining the talks online is: