Venue (HYBRID-EVENT): Goldene Box, Physikalisches Institut, INF 226, 69120 Heidelberg AND all talks will also be streamed via the permanent Zoom-link:
Meeting ID: 946 0240 1603
Passcode: 386993
13:30-14:00 talk+questions
14:00-14.15 discussion and questions
14.15-14:30 pizza
Speaker: Michelangelo Tagliavini
Title of Talk: Core X-ray Spectroscopy for Actinide Dioxide Systems
Abstract: X-Ray Spectroscopy is one of the most spread tools to investigate properties of condensed matter, such as density of states, ground state symmetry and covalency. In correlated materials, due to the localized nature of core to valence excitations, the spectra can be computed by means of a multiplet impurity model [1]. For that, the many body code Quanty and its basic functions will be here introduced.
In the second part of the talk Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (RIXS)[2] spectra for Actinide dioxides will be shown as an application. RIXS is an arising technique for spectroscpic investigation of correlated systems, wich allows improved resolution of the spectral features. This is especially promising for complexes containing Actinides , i.e. elements with open 5f shell, and can help asserting the role of 5f states in chemical bonding [3].
theory using Wannier orbitals. Physical Review B, 85(16):165113, Apr. 2012.[2]L. J. P. Ament, M. van Veenendaal, T. P. Devereaux, J. P. Hill, and J. v. d. Brink.
Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Studies of Elementary Excitations. Reviews
of Modern Physics, 83(2):705-767, June 2011. arXiv: 1009.3630.[3] T. Vitova, I. Pidchenko, D. Fellhauer, P. S. Bagus, Y. Joly, T. Pruessmann, S. Bahl,
E. Gonzalez-Robles, J. Rothe, M. Altmaier, M. A. Denecke, and H. Geckeis. The
role of the 5f valence orbitals of early actinides in chemical bonding. Nature Communications, 8(1):16053, Dec. 2017.
The aim of the YRC Lunch Seminar is to promote individual research done by young researchers within Isoquant and create a regular platform to socialize and share ideas.
The seminar will take place in presence in accordance with the current COVID-19 regulations for on-site events (Please wear a FFP2 mask or surgical mask if the minimum distance of 1.5m can not be guaranteed).