We are pleased to announce that registration for the annual retreat of the IsoQuant YRC of the SFB 1225 is now open!

The retreat will be held from 25 to 28 of September at the Hotel Loewen in the Schwarzwald.

The main goal of this event is to provide a platform for cross-project collaboration and an opportunity to intensify exchange and networking between young researchers (undergraduates, PhD students, PostDocs) within IsoQuant.

The retreat is intended to be highly interactive and participants will get to know the main topics both through introductory talks, as well as through hands-on miniature projects to deepen their understanding of the topics.

The following invited speakers will join this workshop:


To participate, please fill out the registration form.

Please note that the total number of participants is set at 25 and all costs are covered.

The registration deadline is 31 August. More details will follow once registration closes.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at sfb1225@thphys.uni-heidelberg.de.