
We implement two types of matter wave interferometers using trapped Bose-condensed Feshbach molecules, from weak to strong interactions. In each case, we focus on investigating interaction effects and their implications for the performance. In the Ramsey-type interferometer where the interference between the two motional quantum states in an optical lattice is observed, inter-particle interactions are found to induce energy shifts in the states. Consequently, this results in a reduction of the interferometer frequency and introduces a phase shift during the lattice pulses used for state manipulation. Furthermore, non-uniformity leads to dephasing and collisional losses of condensate contribute to the degradation of contrast. In the Michelson-type interferometer, where matter waves are spatially split and recombined in a waveguide, interference is observed in the presence of significant interaction, however coherence degrades with increasing interaction strength. Notably, coherence is also observed in thermal clouds, indicating the white-color nature of the implemented Michelson interferometer.

C. Li, Q. Liang, P. Paranjape, R. Wu, J. Schmiedmayer, „Matter-wave interferometers with
trapped strongly interacting Feshbach molecules“, 7. Feb. 2024, arXiv:2402 . 05092 (2024).


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