Being aware of the gender imbalance in the field of physics, the CRC 1225 wants to attract and support young female students to take up their bachelor, master or PhD thesis within the collaboration. Therefore, we plan to establish monthly lunch meetings open for female students that are interested in the topics of the CRC 1225. In the rather relaxed atmosphere of the meetings, members of the CRC present the current research work done in the different projects and invite for further discussion and exchange on any arising question.

Kick-off meeting will be on Wednesday, January 29 at 13.15hrs at the Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, INF 227, SR 2.107 (KIP seminar box 2nd floor)​.

We will provide food and drinks. No prior registration is needed. We look forward to seeing many of you there! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via