
We discuss a novel worldline framework for computations of the chiral magnetic effect (CME) in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Starting from the fermion determinant in the QCD effective action, we show explicitly how its real part can be expressed as a supersymmetric worldline action of spinning, colored, Grassmannian particles in background fields. Restricting ourselves for simplicity to spinning particles, we demonstrate how their constrained Hamiltonian dynamics arises for both massless and massive particles. In a semiclassical limit, this gives rise to the covariant generalization of the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation; the derivation of the corresponding Wong equations for colored particles is straightforward. In a previous paper [N. Mueller and R. Venugopalan, arXiv:1701.03331.], we outlined how Berry’s phase arises in a nonrelativistic adiabatic limit for massive particles. We extend the discussion here to systems with a finite chemical potential. We discuss a path integral formulation of the relative phase in the fermion determinant that places it on the same footing as the real part. We construct the corresponding anomalous worldline axial-vector current and show in detail how the chiral anomaly appears. Our work provides a systematic framework for a relativistic kinetic theory of chiral fermions in the fluctuating topological backgrounds that generate the CME in a deconfined quark-gluon plasma. We outline some further applications of this framework in many-body systems.


N. Müller, R. Venugopalan: World-line construction of a covariant chiral kinetic theory, Phys.Rev. D 96 (2017) 016023


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